Bounty hunters

Bounty hunters were individuals who could be hired to capture or kill a designated target. The target would have a price or bounty on their heads that would be collected by the bounty hunter upon successful capture or proof of death. Bounty hunters would sometimes team together as part of a larger mission or to handle dangerous targets.

Some of the most important bounty hunters are:


In the final years of the Republic, Jango Fett was regarded as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. A proficient marksman and unarmed combatant, Fett was covered in a sleek armored suit that concealed his scarred face. His combat gear featured an arsenal of weaponry, including retractable wrist blades, a snare, dual blaster pistols and other more exotic tools of the trade. In combat, Jango used his harnessed jetpack to gain the advantage of speed and height over his enemies. The backpack also carried a nasty surprise — an explosive rocket could be launched from it. For interstellar travel, Jango traveled aboard his well-worn starship, Slave I.

Jango Fett


A ruthless bounty hunter from the planet Duro, Cad Bane was the preeminent blaster-for-hire in the galaxy at the time of the Clone Wars. No quarry was too dangerous for Bane… if the price was right. Using an impressive arsenal of weapons and allies, the cold, cruel and calculating Bane would literally track his prey to the ends of the galaxy if required. Bane carried custom twin blaster pistols, gauntlets studded with control devices, a concealed bola, explosives, integrated breathing apparatus and rocket boots, ensuring that he was always well prepared for any situation that may arise.

Resultado de imagen de cad bane


Many people in the galaxy fear droids, what with the memories of the Clone Wars still fresh in their minds. Far more terrifying than battle droids were assassin droids, independently programmed mechanical killers that had no masters. IG-88 is a battered chrome war droid who has become a bounty hunter, and answered Darth Vader’s call to capture the Millennium Falcon during the events surrounding the Battle of Hoth.



One of the most feared bounty hunters of the galaxy, Bossk used his natural Trandoshan hunting instincts to capture his prey. During the Clone Wars, the red-eyed reptilian partnered with Aurra Sing, Castas and young Boba Fett. Bossk didn’t care much for vendettas or politics. He was in it to get paid. After a brief stint in a Republic prison, Bossk continued his partnership with Fett, becoming a bodyguard to the teen bounty hunter. Decades later, Bossk answered Darth Vader’s call to capture the Millennium Falcon after the Battle of Hoth, an assignment that put him in direct competition with Boba.



A fearsome bounty hunter of few words, Embo was quick to disable his target, be it by a single trained shot from his bowcaster or a decisive blow from his pan-shaped hat, which could be hurled at an adversary with deadly accuracy. The hat also doubled as a shield when the Kyuzo directly charged his target head-first. A freelance hunter, Embo worked with the likes of Sugi and Boba Fett, loyal only to his faithful anooba, Marrok.
